Sunday, May 18, 2008

Today's Session

Well I ended up making it out twice today. Earlier in the day I went out to an area called Moraine park and hit up a few of the boulders which were alright, but they really lacked any real quality lines. Later, in the afternoon I headed out with a crew of about 8 guys to Lumpy Ridge and hit up the Jaws and High Boulders and sent a couple of really cool routes.

Cool Picture of Twin Owls at Lumpy.

First we climbed a really sketchy and borderline highball V0 on the High Boulder that had everyone a little it on edge towards the top.

Next, was a really cool and softly rated V3 traverse on the Jaws boulder.

Then I sent the end section of the Jaws problem which was V2 and I powered through that on the very last burn of the day. It's a great problem and it actually felt more into the V3 range for me.

I really want to link the both together soon for the cool V4 problem of Jaws. I took some pictures today and I'll try to get them posted up soon!

And just to note, that I was not climbing in any of those photos. I'll try and get some up of me soon!

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