Monday, August 11, 2008

Leaving Time...

Well, my time in Colorado for the summer is coming nearly to a close and with it I'll be making my return to temps 25+ degrees higher and humidity 100% more than probably anything I've been used to at all out here. I'm also finally starting to realize that I'm going to be leaving behind so many good new friends that I've made this summer, more than I anticipated, and its really setting in that none of us will be together at the end of the week.

On the bright side though these last few days are going to probably be amazing with friends. Tomorrow, Wayne, his brother, and I are all going to go up to Chaos Canyon in RMNP and do some bouldering on some of the best blocs in the country, if not the entire world. Several people are having comp nights too throughout the week which is nice because it gives us a nice place to go and chill and enjoy everyone's company for the small amount of time that is left.

However, I guess that in all I'm pretty ready to get back to school and get into the swing of things again. I'll fly back in to STL on Saturday where Lane will be picking me up and then from there I'll get to see G-Maw and Papaw again, and I'd love to get in one day of climbing at Jackson on either Monday or Tuesday, but then again I also need to find a new apartment. A ton of new projects and routes lay ahead for me though and I really hope to be sending some new bests for myself all fall and getting new goals for climbing since a lot of mine for the last year have really been met! I'm also ready for the new responsibilities that are ahead of me for the semester as well. I'm currently the VP for MSU's branch of Amnesty International and on top of helping to get them out of debt I really would love to see the organization expand a lot and really do some good outreach locally which I think would do wonders for interest in the club. I'm also the treasurer for the environmental club and I definitely know that we're going to be doing some amazing things this fall that I can't wait for!

Well, I guess that I'll be definitely seeing everyone again soon! Mike if you read this give me a shout or something, I've tried to give you a call the last two days but can't get anything back. I'd love to get out to Jackson possibly early next week like I said so you best be calling or e-mailing me! See everyone soon!

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